POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Un-defined Objects Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:17:17 EST (-0500)
  Un-defined Objects (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: David Vincent-Jones
Subject: Un-defined Objects
Date: 13 Feb 2001 22:14:29
Message: <3a89f815$1@news.povray.org>
I am reading in a long list of objects along with their locations.
Some of the objects are defined in an inc file and some in the main file.
Some objects may not be defined at all .........
Is there some way to us a #ifdef type of statement so that the pov file will
just skip any non-defined object and display only the defined items?

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From: Chris Colefax
Subject: Re: Un-defined Objects
Date: 14 Feb 2001 01:59:40
Message: <3a8a2cdc@news.povray.org>
David Vincent-Jones <geo### [at] galaxynetcom> wrote:
> I am reading in a long list of objects along with their locations.
> Some of the objects are defined in an inc file and some in the main file.
> Some objects may not be defined at all .........
> Is there some way to us a #ifdef type of statement so that the pov file
> just skip any non-defined object and display only the defined items?

How about using #ifdef?!  The function works exactly the same, whether a
variable is declared as a float, vector, object, texture, whatever..., e.g.:

#include "Objects.inc"

#ifdef (Object1) object {Object1} #end
#ifdef (Object2) object {Object2} #end

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