On Fri, 01 Aug 2003 09:31:34 -0700, Daniel <Dan### [at] csumb edu> wrote:
> I am trying to render a polymer that has 250k atoms. I wrote a script
> to convert the xyz file into pov code. There are around 1 million
> lines. I get a segmentation fault during parsing. Is there a way to
> fix this or am I just trying to render to many lines?
File size is not much. Details depend what your atoms were. Can you reproduce
this on the same machine a few times and it happens always after the same
amount of time ? Can you reproduce it on other machine ? Can you experiment
with your scene and truncate it about some part and seg fault still happen ?
Can you post your file somewhere so others could verify your problem and help
you ?
> Please Email me at: Dan### [at] csumb edu
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