"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Well, I got partway there.
> I'm botching _something_ up (as usual).
I almost got it.
Removing one of the circle solutions cleaned up a bunch of unnecessary circles,
but the circles for the top right area are in the wrong place.
I'm wondering if there's some sign or floating point thing going on.
This is 5 levels of recursion.
Minor changes to recursion macro:
(mostly just 2 changes to an array index, restoring them to my initial values)
#macro Gasket (RecursionLevels)
#for (L, 0, RecursionLevels)
#local Triplets = dimension_size (Queue, 1)-1;
#for (T, 0, Triplets)
DrawCircles (Queue [T])
#declare NextQueue = array;
#local QIndex = 0;
#for (T, 0, Triplets)
#local triplet = Queue [T];
#local c1 = triplet [0];
#local c2 = triplet [1];
#local c3 = triplet [2];
#local k41 = k4curvature1 (1/c1.z, 1/c2.z, 1/c3.z);
#local k42 = k4curvature2 (1/c1.z, 1/c2.z, 1/c3.z);
#declare new1 = ComplexDescartes (c1, c2, c3, k41);
#declare new2 = ComplexDescartes (c1, c2, c3, k42);
#local T1 = array [3] {c1, c2, new1[0]};
#local T2 = array [3] {c2, c3, new1[0]};//
#local T3 = array [3] {c3, c1, new1[0]};//
#local T4 = array [3] {c1, c2, new2[1]};
#local T5 = array [3] {c2, c3, new2[1]};
#local T6 = array [3] {c3, c1, new2[1]};
//#local T6 = array [3] {c2, c3, new1[1]};
#declare NextQueue [QIndex] = T1;
#local QIndex = QIndex + 1;
#declare NextQueue [QIndex] = T2;
#local QIndex = QIndex + 1;
#declare NextQueue [QIndex] = T3;
#local QIndex = QIndex + 1;
#declare NextQueue [QIndex] = T4;
//#local QIndex = QIndex + 1;
//#declare NextQueue [QIndex] = T5;
#local QIndex = QIndex + 1;
#declare NextQueue [QIndex] = T6;
#end // end for T
#declare Queue = NextQueue;
#end // end for L
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