A few quick explanations for those interested.
(I'd probably do a page on my site... but I'm so far behind ;) )
I haven't used Bald Eagle's inversion method, which looks very
interesting and promising.
The reference being the WIKIPEDIA page
-- The two basic radii :
#declare BigRadius = SIZE; // AB/2
#declare SmallRadius = SIZE*3/4; // AC/2
-- For the first circle (CB):
#declare cx = SmallRadius*2 + BigRadius - SmallRadius;
#declare r = BigRadius - SmallRadius;
DrawCircle(cx, 0, r)
-- Next, a simple loop :
#declare r = SmallRadius/BigRadius;
#declare NthRadius = r;
#declare n = 1;
#while ( NthRadius > MIN_RADIUS )
#declare divisor = n*n*(1-r)*(1-r)+r;
#declare xx = 2*BigRadius*r*(1+r)/(2*divisor);
#declare yy = 2*BigRadius*n*r*(1-r)/divisor;
#declare NthRadius = 2*BigRadius*r*(1-r)/(2*divisor);
DrawCircle(xx, +yy, NthRadius)
DrawCircle(xx, -yy, NthRadius) // symmetrically
#declare n = n + 1;
The first tests were in 2D. So I made a macro that drew circles :
#macro DrawCircle(X,Y,R,C)
torus { R, rLine pigment { color C } rotate 90*x translate <X,Y,0> }
Transformed for 3d :
#macro DrawCircle(X,Y,R,C)
sphere { <X,R,Y>, R pigment { color C } }
A yes, I forgot! The end of the loop is controlled by the constancy
MIN_RADIUS. If the radius is "too" small, we stop.
#declare MIN_RADIUS = 0.50; for the stone spheres
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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