POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.binaries : Brilliant Diamond Server Time
22 Dec 2024 11:32:06 EST (-0500)
  Brilliant Diamond (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Paul Hustava
Subject: Brilliant Diamond
Date: 12 Aug 2002 21:13:24
Message: <9268CC4ACpedro.wocka@>
Is this group still alive?

Just made this today. In about 16 more hours it will be done rendering.

I Googled for 'ideal' Brilliant Cut dimensions. 

Since Moray doesn't do dispersion, you'll need to add the following to 
Povray's INClude file. If you knock the dispersion samples down, it will 
definitely speed rendering time.

         ior 3.0215

         ior 3.0215  dispersion 1.08 dispersion_samples 130

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From: Paul Hustava
Subject: Re: Brilliant Diamond - 1 attachments
Date: 13 Aug 2002 21:11:32
Message: <9269C583Bpedro.wocka@>
Okay, so I am more familiar with Moray than I am with X-News. I really did 
attach a file before, but apparently delayed posts somehow drop the 

Here it is (I hope)

pau### [at] yahoocom (Paul Hustava) wrote in 
<926### [at] 204213191226>:

>Is this group still alive?
>Just made this today. In about 16 more hours it will be done rendering.
>I Googled for 'ideal' Brilliant Cut dimensions. 
>Since Moray doesn't do dispersion, you'll need to add the following to 
>Povray's INClude file. If you knock the dispersion samples down, it will 
>definitely speed rendering time.
>      }   
>      interior
>      {
>         ior 3.0215
>        }
>   }
>      }   
>      interior
>      {
>         ior 3.0215  dispersion 1.08 dispersion_samples 130
>        }
>   }

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