I have been trying to add Moray's udo file format to Ingo's makemesh.inc.
I seem to have the basic udo mesh part working, but not the required
include file. This would require generating two files at once, the
Myfile.udo and Myfile.inc.
The included pictures are based on twovar.pov with the mesh resolution
reduced from 200x200 to 50x50 and my modified makemesh.inc.
TwoVarSurf(F2,<-6,6>,<-6,6>,50,50,"twovar.udo") // 200,200
In POV-Ray I opened and rendered twovar.pov with the above changes. In Moray
I started with the default scene (camera and light) and:
'Create\User Defined' (imported the udo file)
'Edit\Convert To Mesh'
Created a material based on the one from twovar.pov
pigment{checker color rgb <0,0,0.2> color rgb <1,0.85,0.85> scale 1/6}
finish{specular 0.4}
Added material to mesh
'Use UV Mapping'
Create New Mapping 'XY' 'Generate' (I think)
Played with camera and lights :-)
The second picture is supposed to look jagged because udo's are imported
with flat triangles and the resultant mesh also has flat triangles.
The last picture is supposed to look smoother because surface subdivision
adds more triangles and normals are calculated.
twovar.png, output of twovar.pov
testjunk_udo_ss1.png, exported surface subdivision set to 1
Comments welcome.
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Download 'twovar.png' (40 KB)
Download 'testjunk_udo.png' (36 KB)
Download 'testjunk_udo_ss1.png' (39 KB)
Preview of image 'twovar.png'
Preview of image 'testjunk_udo.png'
Preview of image 'testjunk_udo_ss1.png'
> I seem to have the basic udo mesh part working, but not the required
> include file. This would require generating two files at once, the
> Myfile.udo and Myfile.inc.
It looks like I have it working now :-)
I've e-mailed Ingo asking if he's interested in adding Moray's udo format to
his makemesh.inc.
One side affect of trying to import mesh objects into Moray using
makemesh.inc/udo is that there's no support for uv-mapping (not suppose to
be in the udo spec.) You will have to manually add uv info, something I find
time consuming :-(
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> It looks like I have it working now :-)
> I've e-mailed Ingo asking if he's interested in adding Moray's udo format
> to his makemesh.inc.
I have received a response;
Yes. If questions about *.udo support are redirected to me.
> Did you also test it with an object with hundredtousands of triangles?
Here are some other things I've tested.
Testing it with msm.pov, and upping the resolution :
MSM(An, 300, "q", 300, "test_msm.udo") // 100, "c", 100
gave me 90601 vertices with 180000 triangles.
At this size Moray opened the .udo file and rendered the scene (a texture
had to be assigned). The object was converted into a Moray mesh object (can
now be edited with the mesh editor) and rendered the scene. One level of
surface subdivision (ss) was applied to the mesh and rendered.
Some stats:
test_msm.udo 9 074kb ( [:Edges] are not optimized)
test_msm.inc 10 905kb
testjunk_udo_msm.pov 17 521kb
testjunk_udo_msm.pov 73 628kb (1 level of ss)
Stats from POV-Ray
Largest 12 960 024 bytes
Peak memory used 34 256 831 bytes
testjunk_udo_msm.png (1 level of ss)
Largest 51 840 024 bytes
Peak memory used 136 485 671 bytes
With 180 000 triangles I found my computer to slow. 1gHz AMD Duron 512mb
memory. It would be impracticable for me to use this in a scene in Moray.
The resulting *.udo file does not have optimized [filename:Edges], most are
listed twice. It would not be possible to tell if a quad is in the middle of
a mesh or at the edge/corner.
Comments welcome.
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