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  Tree with lights (this time for real) (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Tree with lights (this time for real)
Date: 2 Nov 2003 07:30:26
Message: <3fa4f8e2@news.povray.org>
Here's the tree with lights on it. This scene has no other lights other than
those on the tree. Any suggestions?
Steve Shelby

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Tree with lights (this time for real)
Date: 2 Nov 2003 09:48:05
Message: <3fa51925@news.povray.org>
Excellent Steve! Looks very nice!
The needles have exactly that kind of reflection you would expect, perhaps a
little plastic-like, but that is not really an issue IMO.
I would suggest a little halo around the lights, either with the glow plugin
of Sylvain, or with the flare plugin(s)?


"Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> schreef in bericht
> Here's the tree with lights on it. This scene has no other lights other
> those on the tree. Any suggestions?
> Steve Shelby

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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: Tree with lights (this time for real)
Date: 2 Nov 2003 14:02:47
Message: <3fa554d7$1@news.povray.org>
Thank you.
I tried using the glow plugin, and rendering was slowed down so much it
would take all day.
I tried out the lense flare that I already had in moray and it wouldn't
work. It says Povray cannot open inc file. I think maybe I'm missing
something. Where is the download site for lense flare?

"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlnet> wrote in message
> Excellent Steve! Looks very nice!
> The needles have exactly that kind of reflection you would expect, perhaps
> little plastic-like, but that is not really an issue IMO.
> I would suggest a little halo around the lights, either with the glow
> of Sylvain, or with the flare plugin(s)?
> Thomas
> "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnetnet> schreef in bericht
> news:3fa4f8e2@news.povray.org...
> > Here's the tree with lights on it. This scene has no other lights other
> than
> > those on the tree. Any suggestions?
> > Steve Shelby
> >
> >
> >

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From: Tim Cook
Subject: Re: Tree with lights (this time for real)
Date: 2 Nov 2003 17:21:18
Message: <3fa5835e$1@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot wrote:
> I would suggest a little halo around the lights, either with the glow plugin
> of Sylvain, or with the flare plugin(s)?

Or you could throw my 'haze' material around the tree and
use the lights themselves for the glows.  (Or make a second
set that interacts with media with different properties).

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Tree with lights (this time for real)
Date: 3 Nov 2003 09:23:27
Message: <3FA66545.4FE53136@nitg.tno.nl>
You need the stuff by Nathan Kopp I believe (NKFlare at:
http://nathan.kopp.com/pov-ray.htm ). And there is also the LensFX to be
downloaded from the Moray site (which I prefer) which includes All of Chris
Colefax's different lenses. If I remember well, it is said what you need and
where to put it.
But, you are right, glows and flares render more slowly, especially with a large
number of them... Hmm... What is media going to do, though?


Steve Shelby wrote:

> Thank you.
> I tried using the glow plugin, and rendering was slowed down so much it
> would take all day.
> I tried out the lense flare that I already had in moray and it wouldn't
> work. It says Povray cannot open inc file. I think maybe I'm missing
> something. Where is the download site for lense flare?
> Steve

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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: Tree with lights (this time for real)
Date: 4 Nov 2003 07:22:32
Message: <3fa79a08$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks for the info. I tried both of them and although they produce some
very nice effects, neither of them can be made part of a csg, which means
that each one would have to be positioned with each light individually,
which I have neither the time nor the patience to do. I've been
experimenting with media, too, but have not succeeded with that yet. I will
upload the .mdl file to the yahoo group in case you or anyone else wants to
experiment with it.
"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] nitgtnonl> wrote in message
> Hmmm...
> You need the stuff by Nathan Kopp I believe (NKFlare at:
> http://nathan.kopp.com/pov-ray.htm ). And there is also the LensFX to be
> downloaded from the Moray site (which I prefer) which includes All of
> Colefax's different lenses. If I remember well, it is said what you need
> where to put it.
> But, you are right, glows and flares render more slowly, especially with a
> number of them... Hmm... What is media going to do, though?
> Thomas

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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: Tree with lights (this time for real)
Date: 4 Nov 2003 08:36:55
Message: <3fa7ab77@news.povray.org>
Thank you for the suggestion. After much experimentation with your haze
material, I've found something that seems to work: a sphere around each
light, with haze, absorption adjusted to
-0.01, and scattering adjusted to rgb .001.
I'll post a picture in a few hours, after it renders.
Steve Shelby

"Tim Cook" <z99### [at] bellsouthnet> wrote in message
> Thomas de Groot wrote:
> > I would suggest a little halo around the lights, either with the glow
> > of Sylvain, or with the flare plugin(s)?
> Or you could throw my 'haze' material around the tree and
> use the lights themselves for the glows.  (Or make a second
> set that interacts with media with different properties).

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