POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.binaries : Bicubic patches to mesh? [48.7 Kb] Server Time
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  Bicubic patches to mesh? [48.7 Kb] (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Txemi Jendrix
Subject: Bicubic patches to mesh? [48.7 Kb]
Date: 5 Jul 2003 19:49:21
Message: <3f076401@news.povray.org>
This is the image for the same thread in moray.beta
From left to right.
1st tower is an sPatch object exported to .mdl using Lutz's plugin
It's a bunch of bicubic patches.
2nd tower is the 1st one converted to mesh and exported with a
subdivision level of 0.
3rd tower is same as the 2nd one exported with a subdivision level
of 1 (it's the same if you set it higher)
As you can see, the mesh crashes.

Txemi Jendrix

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From: Gadman
Subject: Re: Bicubic patches to mesh? [48.7 Kb]
Date: 8 Jul 2003 09:29:28
Message: <3f0ac738$1@news.povray.org>

> This is the image for the same thread in moray.beta
> From left to right.
> 1st tower is an sPatch object exported to .mdl using Lutz's plugin
> It's a bunch of bicubic patches.
> 2nd tower is the 1st one converted to mesh and exported with a
> subdivision level of 0.
> 3rd tower is same as the 2nd one exported with a subdivision level
> of 1 (it's the same if you set it higher)
> As you can see, the mesh crashes.
> Txemi Jendrix
> http://www.txemijendrix.com
look at this image...
same problem

The Bubulle Red
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From: Txemi Jendrix
Subject: RE: Bicubic patches to mesh? [48.7 Kb]
Date: 8 Jul 2003 12:44:15
Message: <3f0af4df@news.povray.org>

> hello
> look at this image...
> http://moray.free.fr/images/lamborgini_test_udo_mesh.png
> same problem

As Lutz pointed out in m.w. the solution is:

"To rectify this, go to the mesh editor, switch to Point mode
(key 'P'), select all the points (key 'A') and then select Weld
in the Points menu on the Edit Tab. The threshhold should be
pretty small, and you shouldn't see any yellow lines on the
display. The number of vertices before and after
welding that are displayed in the dialog should also be different....
then click on OK and see if that fixes the subdivision problem."

It worked for me.

Txemi Jendrix

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From: Gadman
Subject: Re: Bicubic patches to mesh? [48.7 Kb]
Date: 19 Jul 2003 06:46:10
Message: <3f192172@news.povray.org>
Thank you  ;-)

The Bubulle Red
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