POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.binaries : JOKE: Lutz & Adobe Server Time
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  JOKE: Lutz & Adobe (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Arne Kleinophorst
Subject: JOKE: Lutz & Adobe
Date: 11 Mar 2003 07:01:29
Message: <3e6dd019@news.povray.org>
Have you noticed that the shortcuts for selecting points, edges and 
faces is p d f?? This is a sublimal message to force all moray users to 
go out and buy acrobat software. And Lutz is making the big money with 
this deal.

However what is Lutz doing with all the money? here's the answer:

Lutz, i hope you can understand a joke, but i just couldn't resist



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From: S McAvoy
Subject: Re: JOKE: Lutz & Adobe
Date: 11 Mar 2003 08:04:57
Message: <3e6dde5d.48508701@news.povray.org>
On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 13:01:19 +0100, Arne Kleinophorst <a.r### [at] t-onlinede>

>Lutz, i hope you can understand a joke, but i just couldn't resist
So do I 'cause he's not finalised V3.5 yet
BTW what's the day rate for B&B

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