POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.binaries : resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1) Server Time
22 Dec 2024 11:07:26 EST (-0500)
  resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1) (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: S McAvoy
Subject: resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1)
Date: 6 Mar 2003 14:39:28
Message: <3e67a369.4677876@news.povray.org>

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resize handle.png


From: Timothy R  Cook
Subject: Re: resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1)
Date: 6 Mar 2003 15:07:47
Message: <3e67aa93$1@news.povray.org>
stupid-ass question:  why is your taskbar so big? O.o;;

Tim Cook

Version: 3.12
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From: S McAvoy
Subject: Re: resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1)
Date: 6 Mar 2003 15:34:17
Message: <3e67b0a2.8063574@news.povray.org>
On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 15:07:51 -0500, "Timothy R. Cook" <z993126bellsouth.net>

>stupid-ass question:  why is your taskbar so big? O.o;;
It's taken me ages to type an answer 'cause my fingers write what my eyes won't
let me post :-)
It's an exaggeration to show a point. I sometimes have my taskbar two icons deep
if I've got lots of windows open but normally it is only one icon deep. I don't
want to do it very often as it messes up the nice way I've arranged my desktop.


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From: Rick [Kitty5]
Subject: Re: resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1)
Date: 6 Mar 2003 17:33:25
Message: <3e67ccb5$1@news.povray.org>
S McAvoy wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Mar 2003 15:07:51 -0500, "Timothy R. Cook"
> <z993126bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> stupid-ass question:  why is your taskbar so big? O.o;;
>> --
> It's taken me ages to type an answer 'cause my fingers write what my
> eyes won't let me post :-)
> It's an exaggeration to show a point.

We believe you *nudge nudge wink wink*


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From: S McAvoy
Subject: Re: resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1)
Date: 6 Mar 2003 18:12:43
Message: <3e67d5be.17562673@news.povray.org>
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 22:28:55 -0000, "Rick [Kitty5]" <ric### [at] kitty5com> wrote:

>We believe you *nudge nudge wink wink*
OK the truth. I sweep all my Icons to the top using the taskbar, so I have more
space on the desktop.

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From: Lutz Kretzschmar
Subject: Re: resize handle - resize handle.png (1/1)
Date: 7 Mar 2003 00:01:23
Message: <es9g6v8r1epvr66moicnjvnc5pvrklp34r@4ax.com>
Hi S McAvoy, you recently wrote in moray.binaries:
> OK the truth. I sweep all my Icons to the top using the taskbar, so I have more
> space on the desktop.
- Lutz
  email : lut### [at] stmuccom
  Web   : http://www.stmuc.com/moray

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