POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.binaries : Media HELP Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:50:58 EST (-0500)
  Media HELP (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Allan Rich
Subject: Media HELP
Date: 18 Dec 2000 17:26:08
Message: <3a3e8f00$1@news.povray.org>

I'm trying to figure out how to apply media to a scene though the media tab
in scene settings. I've pretty much got assigning media to objects down
(media make great flames and jets), but every time I try to associate to a
scene instead of an object, my results are sometimes bizarre. If anyone has
a scene that uses media in the scene settings (moray mdl file), a copy of it
to reverse engineer the process would be helpful.


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From: Jamie Davison
Subject: Re: Media HELP
Date: 19 Dec 2000 15:27:12
Message: <MPG.14a9cae46132462498985e@news.povray.org>
On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:24:34 -0800, Allan Rich wrote...
> Hello,
> I'm trying to figure out how to apply media to a scene though the media tab
> in scene settings. I've pretty much got assigning media to objects down
> (media make great flames and jets), but every time I try to associate to a
> scene instead of an object, my results are sometimes bizarre. If anyone has
> a scene that uses media in the scene settings (moray mdl file), a copy of it
> to reverse engineer the process would be helpful.

What do you mean by bizarre?

IIRC, you have to turn the density of media right down when you use them 
in a global situation.

Frankly, I usually find it easier to confine media to a big cube or 
sphere rather than prat around with global media...  But that's just me. 

Bye for now,

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From: Allan Rich
Subject: Re: Media HELP
Date: 24 Dec 2000 17:10:45
Message: <3a467465$1@news.povray.org>
I'm now using a sphere and I get a really grainy texture to the media. How
can I correct that. The sphere is 10, 10, 10. When I group everything in my
scene together and reduce everything to where my "space" sphere is
equivalent to 1, 1, 1, everything looks cool.

"Jamie Davison" <jam### [at] dh70qdu-netcom> wrote in message
> On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:24:34 -0800, Allan Rich wrote...
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm trying to figure out how to apply media to a scene though the media
> > in scene settings. I've pretty much got assigning media to objects down
> > (media make great flames and jets), but every time I try to associate to
> > scene instead of an object, my results are sometimes bizarre. If anyone
> > a scene that uses media in the scene settings (moray mdl file), a copy
of it
> > to reverse engineer the process would be helpful.
> What do you mean by bizarre?
> IIRC, you have to turn the density of media right down when you use them
> in a global situation.
> Frankly, I usually find it easier to confine media to a big cube or
> sphere rather than prat around with global media...  But that's just me.
> :)
> Bye for now,
>      Jamie.

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From: Jamie Davison
Subject: Re: Media HELP
Date: 25 Dec 2000 12:59:24
Message: <MPG.14b19af7bb07c30a989861@news.povray.org>
On Sun, 24 Dec 2000 14:09:09 -0800, Allan Rich wrote...
> I'm now using a sphere and I get a really grainy texture to the media. How
> can I correct that. The sphere is 10, 10, 10. When I group everything in my
> scene together and reduce everything to where my "space" sphere is
> equivalent to 1, 1, 1, everything looks cool.

It sounds vaguely like you need to tweak the density of your media.

Unfortunately, that's about all the help I can get, because whenever I 
use media, I know it's going to involve at least 50 test renders with 
parameter tweaking inbetween.

I've set followup-to to moray.win, as that's really where this sort of 
question should be asked (and answered <slaps own wrist>)

Good luck, and a happy midwinter festival of your choice to you :)

Bye for now,

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