Psychomek wrote:
> I get this error....
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #macro IfDebug(string <----ERROR
> C:\Program Files\POV-Ray\INCLUDE\smokegen.inc:35: error: identifier or
> expression. expected but string found instead.
I was able to render the attached .mdl file in Moray without any problems, so I wonder
version of POV-Ray you are using? At least in v3.1, 'string' is not a keyword. I
checked MegaPOV yet, but it could be that 'string' is a keyword in MegaPOV. If it is,
whatever the reason) you can replace the current definition of IfDebug in SmokeGen.mry
#macro IfDebug(aString)
#debug aString
However, no smoke was generated in the scene, and this was due to (mainly) two things:
1. Scene Start Clk was not set to 0. The clock (+k) value is always 0 when Moray calls
POV-Ray - thus, the routine that simulates previous frames (the SimulateElapsedTime
will not work as it requires that clock = SceneStartClock. Actually, (at least in the
current implementation of the Moray SmokeGen plugin) the Scene Start Clk parameter is
obsolete, so just leave it to 0.
2. Trail Length was set to 2, which means that only two elements will be generated.
And as
the Const Ascend Rate parameter was set to 0.25, the only two elements generated were
inside the red sphere.
Also, 272 simulated frames is unnecessary when the camera is that close (in
conjunction with
the ascension used) - 50 is quite adequate for such a close-up image.
Hope this helps,
- Mikael.
Mikael Carneholm
Dep. of Computer Science and Business Administration
Personal home page:
sa9### [at] idautbhbse
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