"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] inter nlDOTnet> wrote:
> "Stephen" <mcavoys_AT_aolDOT.com> schreef in bericht
> news:web.45fe817d93b3eda6f1cb1e660@news.povray.org...
> >
> > That's good of you Thomas, I think that I tried it years ago but did not
> > realise it used the trace function. I will give it another look since you
> > posted your tutorial.
> >
> You are welcome!
> To tell the truth, I totally forgot about that function until a couple of
> days ago when I wanted to use the plugin for something else. I then realized
> that it did a trace output when using a height_field as container. And that
> ptompted me to write the tutorial because I kind of had to reinvent the
> wheel again.
> Thomas
I remember the name but your screenshot did not look familiar. I must try to
find my old Moray files on my last HD which crashed about a year ago.
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