POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.binaries : I'm volunteering : Re: I'm volunteering Server Time
9 Nov 2024 04:53:15 EST (-0500)
  Re: I'm volunteering  
From: Chris Cason
Date: 3 Mar 2015 15:19:04
Message: <54f61738$1@news.povray.org>
On 27/02/2015 05:53, Woody wrote:
> I've returned to school after 10 years, (getting an MS in computer science, with
> an emphasis in Computer Graphics).
> I'd like to volunteer to start porting the Moray code to Linux and Mac (I've
> been gaining quite alot of knowledge on these two operating systems since
> returning). I also have previous experience developing for Windows using C# as
> well as MSVC++ with COM, MVC, and GDI.
> Given the state of the industry, I'm guessing linux an OSX versions would be
> developed using C++. I'm assuming the same would be true for Windows, or would
> C#?
> What frameworks does Moray currently use? (The last time I was able to get it
> working was on XP, despite the many supposed fixes for Windows 7)


Thanks for the offer - we'd be quite keen to have someone look at it.

Moray was originally a DOS program and was ported to windows back in
the '90's using MFC. Apart from a custom toolbar it doesn't depend on
any other external frameworks; it's just generic C++.

The requirement for the custom toolbar has been removed from the
existing source. At one point we had some OpenGL issues but I think
they were resolved (Lutz had a poke at it about two years ago I think).

What we want to do right at the moment is get it going again with
POV-Ray integrated into it directly. The main issue with doing that is
to sort out the interdependencies between it and and POV (e.g. Moray
uses slighty different versions of some of the same libraries as POV
does - libpng, libjpeg at least).

Getting it working on modern OS's with a built-in POV would be a major
step in the right direction and probably not hugely difficult - it
just requires an investment in time.

Once it's working we could look at the possibilities of porting it.
I'd be quite keen to see it become cross-platform (perhaps using QT?)

-- Chris

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