POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Where do -comments- appear on the tc-rtc? Server Time
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  Where do -comments- appear on the tc-rtc? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Hildur K 
Subject: Where do -comments- appear on the tc-rtc?
Date: 1 Jul 2007 09:10:02
Message: <web.4687a6b5967b2e5ef05f478e0@news.povray.org>
I just finished voting on the Black Robe round and I noticed several people

brain around it.

visible to other members, only to the person who submitted the image?

Or are there none written yet?

part sometimes the most interesting. Some people notice things and concepts

Just wondering,


***from file: notable for lighting texturing modeling composition***

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From: St 
Subject: Re: Where do -comments- appear on the tc-rtc?
Date: 1 Jul 2007 12:34:32
Message: <4687d798@news.povray.org>
"Hildur K." <hil### [at] 3dcafemailevery1net> wrote in message 
> I just finished voting on the Black Robe round and I noticed several 
> people

> brain around it.

> visible to other members, only to the person who submitted the image?
> Or are there none written yet?

> part sometimes the most interesting. Some people notice things and 
> concepts

> Just wondering,

     Hi Hildur, yes, there are comments, and at the moment, they only appear 
to the participant, this is one of the little 'bugs' that I mentioned on the 
mailing list - I thought this was fixed. Anyway, do go ahead and comment, 
(or save it for a couple of days), and the comments will probably appear 
tomorrow or the next day to the public, (Colin has tried to call me, but 
I've been out all afternoon, I'll meet him tomorrow).


> Hildur
> ***from file: notable for lighting texturing modeling composition***


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From: Hildur K 
Subject: Re: Where do -comments- appear on the tc-rtc?
Date: 1 Jul 2007 16:30:01
Message: <web.46880e9238d58f88f05f478e0@news.povray.org>

you need.

Almost everything on your site is working instantaneously! Whoa! It will
take time to adjust to that! ;-)


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