Thank You All for your comments and votes!
Despite a very small number of participants, it was a not so bad round I
Of course my favorite was Quincy by Phil Brewer.
Phil: your image reminds me the Becher's work.
Sean: yes, the stone step is actually Wings, just uv-mapped with a stone
texture and bump mapped with a simple Pov granite.
Well, congrats to all and good luck for the next round ! ;-)
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"Rene Bui" <ren### [at] freefr> wrote:
> Thank You All for your comments and votes!
> Despite a very small number of participants, it was a not so bad round I
> guess.
> Of course my favorite was Quincy by Phil Brewer.
> Phil: your image reminds me the Becher's work.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernd_and_Hilla_Becher
> http://www.hildania.de/users/hildi/wiki/BerndUndHillaBecher.jpg
> Sean: yes, the stone step is actually Wings, just uv-mapped with a stone
> texture and bump mapped with a simple Pov granite.
> Well, congrats to all and good luck for the next round ! ;-)
Hi Rene,
Congratulations on your 1st place, it is a really great image and thanks for
answering my question. That's the good (and sometimes annoying) thing about
3D art, so much to learn about the different techniques people use.
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