POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Old Technology...Old irons in my grandma's old kitchen Server Time
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  Old Technology...Old irons in my grandma's old kitchen (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Renderdog
Subject: Old Technology...Old irons in my grandma's old kitchen
Date: 23 Apr 2003 11:20:05
Message: <web.3ea6ae625bba07647ba9929f0@news.povray.org>
This is an excellent image with a lot of atmosphere. The subtle lighting is
very realistic and the hot glow is perfect.

There were a lot of great entries this round, but I was surprised this one
didn't score in the top 10. Apparently a lot of judges didn't like the
lighting as much as I did.

The table top has an odd reflective texture, and the steam over the
foreground iron seems a little too bright and thick, standing out from the
rest of the image. The two flat irons are perfect, great textures and
modeling. I would have enjoyed reading more about the technical work in the

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Old Technology...Old irons in my grandma's old kitchen
Date: 24 Apr 2003 00:33:39
Message: <3ea76923@news.povray.org>
Renderdog wrote:

> There were a lot of great entries this round, but I was surprised this one
> didn't score in the top 10. Apparently a lot of judges didn't like the
> lighting as much as I did.

I decided to check and as it turns out I ranked this one exactly 20th in 
my scoring.  I liked the choice of subject, I found its intimacy 
"charming" and was impressed with the technique in places, especially 
the glow of the fire, and the steam is even pretty good with a little 
imagination from the viewer.  But while the textures all seemed 
appropriate, they didn't seem fine-tuned enough to create an overall 
illusion.  In such an intimate frame, you are really looking to be 

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