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  New stills topic. (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Doctor John
Subject: New stills topic.
Date: 3 Jan 2003 12:05:02
Message: <web.3e15c1d16447602eb29393de0@news.povray.org>
So, it's Old Technology..... Hmmmm.....

.....maybe an image of an M$ XP box..... :-)


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From: Slashdolt
Subject: Re: New stills topic.
Date: 3 Jan 2003 15:35:07
Message: <web.3e15f36fa676c4205543301f0@news.povray.org>
The Web-site doesn't reflect this yet, but I'll take your word and start
forming some ideas in my head.

Did you get this from the IRTC announcements mailing list?

Doctor John wrote:
>So, it's Old Technology..... Hmmmm.....
>......maybe an image of an M$ XP box..... :-)
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From: The Mad Hatter
Subject: Re: New stills topic.
Date: 3 Jan 2003 16:50:02
Message: <web.3e160543a676c4204e8aa8450@news.povray.org>
I confirmed it last night... I'm pretty sure John is wright with the topic.
So... Im thinking of modeling an 4x AGP, next to my 8x AGP, what do you
think? :P

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From: Slashdolt
Subject: Re: New stills topic.
Date: 3 Jan 2003 17:35:03
Message: <web.3e160f3ea676c4205543301f0@news.povray.org>
Haha.  An IBM XT did cross my mind, though.

I'm still using a Voodoo3.  I'm waiting for the GeforceFX to come out so
that I can get a GeForceTi at a reasonable price, but I guess that's a
little off-topic.

I can think of a lot of ideas, so I think I might (finally) throw my hat in
the ring this round.  Everything from stone tools to a room (or waste-bin)
full of old computers and equipment would seem to be on topic.  I'm not
exactly sure which direction I'll take on this one at this point, but I
really like the idea of showing things that largely have no use anymore due
to "replacement".  Antiques?  perhaps...

The Mad Hatter wrote:
>I confirmed it last night... I'm pretty sure John is wright with the topic.
>So... Im thinking of modeling an 4x AGP, next to my 8x AGP, what do you
>think? :P
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From: Past-Reality
Subject: Re: New stills topic.
Date: 4 Jan 2003 23:21:43
Message: <3e17b2d7@news.povray.org>
So, after a year and a half away from IRTC and Raytracing in general i'm
back again. heh, i think a still of the actual equipment i'm using would be
suiting considering the topic. (ha). anyways. the topic leaves alot open
still. be an interesting round.


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From: Doctor John
Subject: Re: New stills topic.
Date: 5 Jan 2003 09:40:06
Message: <web.3e18428ba676c420b29393de0@news.povray.org>
Flint tools, cave paintings, writing, the dug-out canoe, the sail, the
keel-board, the wheel, the printing-press, time-keeping devices, the
electric light, the internal-combustion engine, balloons, heavier-than-air
flight (powered and unpowered).....

The list is endless.


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