POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Beavering away... Server Time
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  Beavering away... (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: St 
Subject: Beavering away...
Date: 31 Aug 2006 14:50:17
Message: <44f72f69@news.povray.org>
I'm sincerely hoping that you're all beavering away to complete the 
deadline, as this time around, there doesn't seem to be a lot of 
participants. http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2006-08-31/   :o/

     Thankfully, I'm in there somewhere for this round, but I feel kind of 
'flat' and deflated at this moment in time. I wish there were 'hundreds' of 


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From: RobF
Subject: Re: Beavering away...
Date: 1 Sep 2006 01:20:00
Message: <web.44f7c276ba3b564029c50a910@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote:
> I'm sincerely hoping that you're all beavering away to complete the
> deadline, as this time around, there doesn't seem to be a lot of
> participants. http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2006-08-31/   :o/
>      Thankfully, I'm in there somewhere for this round, but I feel kind of
> 'flat' and deflated at this moment in time. I wish there were 'hundreds' of
> participants.
>       ~Steve~

Yes we are! :-) I submitted mine with a couple of hours to spare. Looks like
couple more entries have come in since.

Good luck everyone,


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From: St 
Subject: Re: Beavering away...
Date: 1 Sep 2006 15:31:08
Message: <44f88a7c@news.povray.org>
"RobF" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message 
> "St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote:
>> I'm sincerely hoping that you're all beavering away to complete the
>> deadline, as this time around, there doesn't seem to be a lot of
>> participants. http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2006-08-31/   :o/
>>      Thankfully, I'm in there somewhere for this round, but I feel kind 
>> of
>> 'flat' and deflated at this moment in time. I wish there were 'hundreds' 
>> of
>> participants.
>>       ~Steve~
> Yes we are! :-) I submitted mine with a couple of hours to spare. Looks 
> like
> a
> couple more entries have come in since.

       Sorry Rob, but wow, whoopee-do. 26 entries out of how many potentials 
in this 3d graphics world?

> Good luck everyone,

     Sincerely, good luck to you and the others that entered, can't wait to 
see your image and theirs.

> Rob.
> http://www.fitzel.ca/dart/

    Nice website there, and I have to say that I did enjoy your Music entry.


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