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  Architecture...incubus|final (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Shay
Subject: Architecture...incubus|final
Date: 27 May 2003 12:37:29
Message: <3ed39449@news.povray.org>
In a round with so many copies of existing architecture, it's nice to
see that an original design got first place. A nice image as well. The
arrangement is very clever, as the rectangular shape of the room is the
very last thing I noticed when looking at the picture. I think that the
low concept score (in relation to exact copies of architecture entered
in this round) is a reflection of the lighting of the image. This is a
fair render, but has an overly familiar "Max" look to it. I'm guessing
that when some see a render like this, part of their brains just see
!!-->-MAX-<--!! and stop looking for the interesting things about the

As an afterthought, it sure is a shame that such a beautiful house has
to be wasted out in BFE. The mountains are beautiful, but nothing
compares with living downtown where a room like this belongs.


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From: Copper Pin
Subject: Re: Architecture...incubus|final
Date: 27 May 2003 13:45:02
Message: <web.3ed3a3e8d40512f8e80df2df0@news.povray.org>
Shay wrote:
>I think that the
>low concept score (in relation to exact copies of architecture entered
>in this round) is a reflection of the lighting of the image.

I gave it a relatively low concept score because I expected a lot of
cathedrals and interior decor going into the round.  To give an image a
high concept score I'm looking for really creative ideas or unique twists
to the topic like "You Show Off", which took the Concept honorable mention.
 Some of the design elements were worth a few points in this respect, but
the concept overall is about average by my standards.

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From: Tek
Subject: Re: Architecture...incubus|final
Date: 27 May 2003 18:32:53
Message: <3ed3e795$1@news.povray.org>
"Copper Pin" <Cop### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> Shay wrote:
> >I think that the
> >low concept score (in relation to exact copies of architecture entered
> >in this round) is a reflection of the lighting of the image.
> I gave it a relatively low concept score because I expected a lot of
> cathedrals and interior decor going into the round.  To give an image a
> high concept score I'm looking for really creative ideas or unique twists
> to the topic like "You Show Off", which took the Concept honorable mention.
>  Some of the design elements were worth a few points in this respect, but
> the concept overall is about average by my standards.
I agree. Plus I don't see what's wrong with the lighting, it looks way better
than most Max renders I've seen and adds a nice warm soft glow to the image.
Maybe I'm just being hopelessly naive but I thought the lighting was one of the
best elements of the image.


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From: Hildur K 
Subject: Re: Architecture...incubus|final
Date: 27 May 2003 21:55:02
Message: <web.3ed41635d40512f821dac87d0@news.povray.org>
>I agree. Plus I don't see what's wrong with the lighting, it looks way better
>than most Max renders I've seen and adds a nice warm soft glow to the image.
>Maybe I'm just being hopelessly naive but I thought the lighting was one of the
>best elements of the image.
Yeah, me too, I thought the lighting was just perfect. And my first thought
was: Was this really rendered in Max! Wow!

find any serious flaw in it. Maybe a little lifeless, but then again: The
topic is on architecture and architecture is lifeless by design. If you
look at the architectural elements in this image they look quite natural,
everything is in the right place, the proportions look right, the furniture
looks right, the rug on the floor looks like it belongs there. The
atmosphere is a little empty and impersonal but that is really the hole
idea of modern design, it is supposed to be empty and impersonal. In a
way this image really describes the very spirit of modern architecture,
like it or not.

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Architecture...incubus|final
Date: 28 May 2003 17:18:02
Message: <3ed5278a@news.povray.org>
I thought that the lighting, texturing, camera placement, (and aspect 
ratio) were the strong parts of the picture. The texturing is 
understated but very, very competently handled.  The lighting, love it 
or hate it, is a very active element in the picture, effecting the sense 
of space, mood, and providing the main tonal contrast.  The colors by 
comparison are mostly natural, and largely of a middle to light 
tonality.  It also must be noted that the lighting and texturing are the 
main elements emphasized by the relatively austere architectural design 
being depicted.  The overall effect is of a tasteful, harmonious 
interior displayed in a well-crafted scene. The depth of detail and 
active presence of the camera lends a photorealistic quality.

The title puzzled me though.  "Incubus", an "evil spirit that comes onto 
persons in their sleep; a nightmare" seems intended as a contrast to the 
mild ambience of the room. Perhaps a suggestion that the apparent 
harmony of the scene may hide something evil?  Or is the observer an 


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From: Tyler Eaves
Subject: Re: Architecture...incubus|final
Date: 28 May 2003 18:17:02
Message: <3ed5355e@news.povray.org>
Jim Charter wrote:
> The title puzzled me though.  "Incubus", an "evil spirit that comes onto
> persons in their sleep; a nightmare" seems intended as a contrast to the
> mild ambience of the room. Perhaps a suggestion that the apparent
> harmony of the scene may hide something evil?  Or is the observer an
> intruder?
> -Jim

Or, to quote Frued, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Perhaps he just likes
the band Incubus ;)

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