POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : "Innocent Shadow": whoa. Server Time
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  "Innocent Shadow": whoa. (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: "Innocent Shadow": whoa.
Date: 21 May 2003 10:54:01
Message: <3ecb9309$1@news.povray.org>
When I saw this as the winner, I thought it was a good entry. I thought it
was "about" a fire hydrant "wishing" it had a little girl to play with.

I didn't realize the actual theme until I saw it at zazzle:


It's got a much deeper theme than I realized.

However, right after a bombing (when the shadows are still fresh) I'm
doubting ceramic objects and fireplugs would still be standing.


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From: Renderdog
Subject: Re: "Innocent Shadow": whoa.
Date: 21 May 2003 12:40:05
Message: <web.3ecbaa769644545d3e7f78a60@news.povray.org>
Many objects remained standing after the blast (and fires), even
near ground zero. The nuclear shadows place the scene about
800 meters from ground zero, and at that distance some people
actually survived the initial blast (though I doubt they were outside).

Surprisingly, even a maple tree (which had left a nuclear shadow
on a telephone pole) still had it's leaves after the blast.

While it's never stated, the time of the image is intended to be
several weeks after the blast (in the Fall). The "shadow" is probably
unrealistically clear, but I felt (judging from photos of actual
nuclear shadows) it was possible.

I'm glad you learned its true meaning. I chose to make it non-
obvious, with hints in the image, but I'm not sure many people
would get the meaning without reading the text file.

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