POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Dance for us, clown. Server Time
22 Dec 2024 09:54:24 EST (-0500)
  Dance for us, clown. (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Shay
Subject: Dance for us, clown.
Date: 1 May 2003 13:12:15
Message: <3eb1556f$1@news.povray.org>
I guess it wasn't meant to be. After spending several late nights
completing my irtc entry, I actually got the thing put together on
Tuesday night. Last night, I left work looking forward to tweaking my
render settings a bit, and then seeing everything come together. It
didn't quite happen that way.

I worked on the settings until about eight pm, went to bed at ten, and
then set my alarm for midnight to get up and send in my pic. Midnight
came, and I found that I could not log into the irtc ftp site. I then
discovered that my sometimes flaky internet service had flaked out. I
was a little aggravated, but assumed that a call to Roadrunner 24 hour
customer service would clear the problem up. I was on the phone with
customer service for an hour and a half, during which time the
"technicians" led me through complex diagnostic procedures like
unplugging the modem, resetting the computer, and attempting to log onto
ABC.com at least half a dozen times. After even the illustrious "tier 2"
customer service could not help me, I unplugged everything and reset my
alarm for three AM.

Three AM came, and still no Internet service. So, having no floppy
drive, no email, and no discs on which to copy my files. I wrote down my
final radiosity settings and left for the office around four thirty AM.
I got to the office and made a few test runs (I had forgotten to write
down the location of my light source before leaving the house, natch) on
the fastest computer, the server, and then set my render and took a
short nap until seven, and then went for a run until eight.

Eight o'clock comes, and the server printer and office internet service,
as is not terribly uncommon, are not working. I can't do a thing here
without them, so I am forced to stop my render and reset the server. It
is at this point that I realize that I had typed my pigment as rgb
<.99,.1,.96>, instead of <.99,1,.96>. Damn, my building was purple.

OK, it's about ten after eight now, and I still don't have a copy of my
picture. Had I been so smart at five, I'd have picked up some disks from
work and retrieved the picture from home. <sigh> Hindsight is 20/20. So,
I reduce the radiosity quality settings, and let the server get to work
on a quick render. When the render was done, I uploaded it to the ftp
server. Obviously too late, but what else was I going to do after
spending all night on it? I had to upload it for closure if anything

You would think that my clowning would be over then, but not even close.
I was yet to realize my *most* foolish mistake. See, the website stuff
is stored on the server, so the ftp program is on the server. The
problem is that the server only displays 256 colors, and I realized only
just before writing this message, that I had uploaded a pretty crappy
looking test render, even crappier than the quick render which I had
intended to upload. I uploaded the intended low quality image, again, of
course, only for my own mental well being, at that point it was after
eleven thirty AM.

One thing is for certain. I'm *very* glad that this is over.


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From: Slashdolt
Subject: Re: Dance for us, clown.
Date: 1 May 2003 15:15:18
Message: <3eb17246@news.povray.org>
> ...I uploaded the intended low quality image, again, of
> course, only for my own mental well being, at that point it was after
> eleven thirty AM.
I hope I don't give you false hope, but I think your entry will probably be
accepted.  From the FAQ:
[1.2.14] My rendering won't be finished until 2am the day after submission
is closed--what can I do?
The actual drop-dead moment is the instant that we generate the voting forms
based on the images we have at that point. While we sometimes accept late
entries, we never guarantee any extensions. Please always try to get your
entry submitted well before the deadline.

I appear to be FAQ-happy today.

> One thing is for certain. I'm *very* glad that this is over.

Or maybe you could start another decent render and hope that it gets done
before the voting forms are generated?


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From: Shay
Subject: Re: Dance for us, clown.
Date: 1 May 2003 15:23:27
Message: <3eb1742f@news.povray.org>
"Slashdolt" <jer### [at] questsoftwarecom> wrote in message

| Slashdolt:
|  I hope I don't give you false hope, but I think your entry
|  will probably be accepted.

That would be cool, but I'm not holding my breath.

| Slashdolt:
|  Or maybe you could start another decent render and hope
|  that it gets done before the voting forms are generated?

That would be three submissions of one entry.lol I wonder if that's a


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From: Slashdolt
Subject: Re: Dance for us, clown.
Date: 1 May 2003 15:35:46
Message: <3eb17712$1@news.povray.org>
> | Slashdolt:
> |  I hope I don't give you false hope, but I think your entry
> |  will probably be accepted.
> That would be cool, but I'm not holding my breath.

On the other hand, yours is the only one listed in pub/stills/incoming.
Maybe they're actually going on top of things this time.

Best of luck.  I hope everything works out ok.


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From: Shay
Subject: Re: Dance for us, clown.
Date: 1 May 2003 15:40:05
Message: <3eb17815@news.povray.org>
"Slashdolt" <jer### [at] questsoftwarecom> wrote in message

| Slashdolt:
|  Maybe they're actually going on top of things this time.

Looks like it, which is an exciting development in its own right. The
image wasn't especially interesting anyway.


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