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  Old Technology...Trojan Bunny (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Shay
Subject: Old Technology...Trojan Bunny
Date: 21 Apr 2003 09:04:56
Message: <3ea3ec78$1@news.povray.org>
Out of curiosity, I looked up the last place image in the last round.
Judging by the number of comments (nine, winner 'Radio Graves' had 12),
this image made a pretty strong impression for last place. I get the
idea from a couple of the comments that this idea was taken from a Monty
Python movie. Even so, it was an interesting idea for a person to select
for the round. I'm puzzled why Danny Coretti used a grass texture for
the background. I'm not familiar enough with Brice to know if this can
happen by accident.


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From: Renderdog
Subject: Re: Old Technology...Trojan Bunny
Date: 21 Apr 2003 10:15:15
Message: <web.3ea3fc05c6a7250cf58667690@news.povray.org>
Shay wrote:
>Out of curiosity, I looked up the last place image in the last round.
>Judging by the number of comments (nine, winner 'Radio Graves' had 12),
>this image made a pretty strong impression for last place. I get the
>idea from a couple of the comments that this idea was taken from a Monty
>Python movie. Even so, it was an interesting idea for a person to select
>for the round. I'm puzzled why Danny Coretti used a grass texture for
>the background. I'm not familiar enough with Brice to know if this can
>happen by accident.

It's quite possible, in keeping with the spirit of "Monty Python and
the Holy Grail," the bad graphics were on purpose. The bunny is clearly
floating over the ground and the stone and grass textures are reused
"incorrectly." A good opportunity was lost to carry the joke further
with some extensive descriptions, but it's still very funny.

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From: gonzo
Subject: Re: Old Technology...Trojan Bunny
Date: 22 Apr 2003 23:23:45
Message: <3ea60741@news.povray.org>
Shay <sah### [at] simcopartscom> wrote in message
>I'm puzzled why Danny Coretti used a grass texture for
> the background. I'm not familiar enough with Brice to know if this can
> happen by accident.
>  -Shay

Heh heh, that's one area where a gui interface is NOT an advantage! Yes, it
can happen by accident in Bryce because it's sometimes difficult to select
objects with a mouse. You select something, edit the texture, then find out
later that when you selected it you already had something else selected and
you changed the texture on both objects! Usually only happens in scenes with
a lot of objects though.

Never happened to me in POV though!


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