POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : The countdown starts here .... Server Time
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  The countdown starts here .... (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Doctor John
Subject: The countdown starts here ....
Date: 19 Feb 2003 10:27:42
Message: <3e53a26e$1@news.povray.org>
Just under 10 days to go ....

..... and no, I'm nowhere near ready to submit :-(

Run Fast
Run Free
Run Linux

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From: Slashdolt
Subject: Re: The countdown starts here ....
Date: 19 Feb 2003 11:02:30
Message: <3e53aa96$1@news.povray.org>
Since this is my first entry, and likely to be my only entry for awhile, I'm
trying to get it right.

I've had a "submittable" scene for a couple weeks, but I still don't have
everything added to it yet, and I probably never will get everything added
that would be nice.  At this point I'm paring off the less significant
ideas, and improving on the existing ones, mainly textures.  I've still got
more texture work that NEEDS to be done, though.

My test renders, using lower radiosity and other lower settings, appears to
be taking around 16 hours now (Athlon 1800+, 512MB) since the addition of
several trees.  So I'm setting aside all of next week for the final render.
That should give me a couple tries, at least.

I'm really glad that after Feb 28th, it WILL be done, whether I like it or
not.  I could see myself tweaking the scene for the rest of my life
otherwise.  I  will have put somewhere between 100 and 120 hours into this
by the time it's over (not including render times).  I'm sure others could
have done it in far less time, though, as most of my time was spent learning
and experimenting.


"Doctor John" <jgu### [at] netscapenet> wrote in message
> Just under 10 days to go ....
> ..... and no, I'm nowhere near ready to submit :-(
> John
> --
> Run Fast
> Run Free
> Run Linux

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From: Renderdog
Subject: Re: The countdown starts here ....
Date: 19 Feb 2003 12:20:06
Message: <web.3e53bc7167c6575a7ba9929f0@news.povray.org>
Slashdolt wrote:

>I'm really glad that after Feb 28th, it WILL be done, whether I like it or
>not.  I could see myself tweaking the scene for the rest of my life
>otherwise.  I  will have put somewhere between 100 and 120 hours into this
>by the time it's over (not including render times).  I'm sure others could
>have done it in far less time, though, as most of my time was spent learning
>and experimenting.

I'm looking forward to seeing all the images, relaxing here with my feet up
and no deadline on my back...

Seriously, while it's hectic, the deadline does inspire us to work hard (as
you two obviously have). I'm sure it will be worth it in the end; learning
and creating is rewarding by itself, but you'll also have something very
nice to show for all that hard work.


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From: St 
Subject: Re: The countdown starts here ....
Date: 19 Feb 2003 14:22:53
Message: <3e53d98d@news.povray.org>
"Renderdog" <slo### [at] hiwaaynet> wrote in message

>but you'll also have something very
> nice to show for all that hard work.

     Hopefully!!  ;)


> -Mark

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From: gonzo
Subject: Re: The countdown starts here ....
Date: 19 Feb 2003 15:35:27
Message: <web.3e53e9ea67c6575aa0c272b50@news.povray.org>
Slashdolt wrote:
>I've had a "submittable" scene for a couple weeks, but I still don't have
>everything added to it yet, and I probably never will get everything added
>that would be nice.  At this point I'm paring off the less significant
>ideas, and improving on the existing ones, mainly textures.  I've still got
>more texture work that NEEDS to be done, though.

Same here... the modeling isn't complete, I've just gotten things to where
they're 'presentable' but definitely not 'finished', and that's probably
where they'll stay... I'm now focusing on getting the overall scene
presentable and hoping that decent composition and lighting will make up
for the modeling defects.

>I could see myself tweaking the scene for the rest of my life
>otherwise.  I  will have put somewhere between 100 and 120 hours into this
>by the time it's over (not including render times).

Yeah, POV has waaaay too many distractions! I'm making my first attempts at
using media, which is consuming a lot of test time, and still not giving
exactly what I wanted.

> as most of my time was spent learning and experimenting.

There's the payoff, you learn so much. :)  But that experimenting I can see
going on forever!

RG - so much to POV, so little time

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