POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Re: Hmm... It's gone fairly quiet in p.b.i over the last week or so... Server Time
22 Dec 2024 16:11:12 EST (-0500)
  Re: Hmm... It's gone fairly quiet in p.b.i over the last week or so... (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Hmm... It's gone fairly quiet in p.b.i over the last week or so...
Date: 3 Oct 2002 05:23:14
Message: <3d9c0c82$1@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:3d9b891a@news.povray.org...
> What are you all doing ?!   :op

Hah! - Steve's sitting in irtc.stills and thinks he's in p.b.i. - someone put a
bucket of water over the door so he get's soaked when he tries to leave.

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From: St 
Subject: Re: Hmm... It's gone fairly quiet in p.b.i over the last week or so...
Date: 3 Oct 2002 08:00:51
Message: <3d9c3173@news.povray.org>
"Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> "St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:3d9b891a@news.povray.org...
> > What are you all doing ?!   :op
> >
> Hah! - Steve's sitting in irtc.stills and thinks he's in p.b.i. -
someone put a
> bucket of water over the door so he get's soaked when he tries to

   LOL! Well soaked!  BUUUUT.... You didn't get the gist of it Mr. M. I
was relating what I said to the comp. i.e., everyone's busy with their
*Spectacular Landscapes*, as indeed, I was too.  ;)


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From: The Mad Hatter
Subject: Re: Hmm... It's gone fairly quiet in p.b.i over the last week or so...
Date: 7 Oct 2002 20:55:03
Message: <web.3da22c94ac01a23c78aeded0@news.povray.org>
I must admit i've been slacking off again.  Time restrictions due to school,
etc.  I am tempted to just download Terragan again and give her a spin :P
 But yes, it has been quite quiet around here.  Though last time it was
quiet they got flooded with around double the submissions.

>   LOL! Well soaked!  BUUUUT.... You didn't get the gist of it Mr. M. I
>was relating what I said to the comp. i.e., everyone's busy with their
>*Spectacular Landscapes*, as indeed, I was too.  ;)

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From: St 
Subject: Re: Hmm... It's gone fairly quiet in p.b.i over the last week or so...
Date: 14 Oct 2002 15:52:05
Message: <3dab2065@news.povray.org>
"The Mad Hatter" <the### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> I must admit i've been slacking off again.  Time restrictions due to
> etc.  I am tempted to just download Terragan again and give her a spin
>  But yes, it has been quite quiet around here.  Though last time it
> quiet they got flooded with around double the submissions.

   Well, I hope you're entering MH! "The more the merrier" as they
say...  :)


> @@@@@@@  http://www.highpoly3d.com   @@@@@@@
> - Free Textures, Tutorials, News & Communities

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