POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Winvote images ready Server Time
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  Winvote images ready (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Tom Melly
Subject: Winvote images ready
Date: 8 May 2002 03:29:34
Message: <3cd8d3de@news.povray.org>
Bob Franke is away this month, and so I'm filling in for him. So, without
further ado....

Voting ends 20th May 2002

Hi All,
There is nothing new for WinVote this round.
The current release is version 1.85b.

For you new voters, WinVote is a Windows program for
voting off-line. Since you have to download all of the
images to view them, why not do the download all at once
and then vote off-line? It is faster and less expensive.
You will need about 25 MB of free disk space. When you
finish voting, the program has a function to email your
vote to the IRTC. For help, just press F1 or you can also
email me.

With WinVote you must vote on your own image.  Don't worry,
Chip's software will see this and not count it.
WinVote's installation programs are available for
download from:
Main Program
Spelling Dictionary

or from web page http://www.geocities.com/bob_franke/pov/winvote.htm

Remember, you must first unzip ALL of the images,
thumbnails and text files into the proper empty
directories BEFORE executing WinVote. This is
explained in the installation program and the
help file.

To download the images and thumbnails for WinVote

Lastly, please Vote. The competition doesn't work
without your votes and comments. It's a lot of work,
but almost everything worthwhile is.

Good luck to all,
Tom Melly
tom### [at] tomandlucouk

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From: 25ct
Subject: Re: Winvote images ready
Date: 8 May 2002 19:00:05
Message: <3cd9adf5@news.povray.org>
"Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message news:3cd8d3de@news.povray.org...

> Bob Franke is away this month, and so I'm filling in for him. So, without
> further ado....

That man Bob Franke seems like a thoroughly decent chap to me.
 A month away on holiday won't be enough for him, IMO.

   Can you do 2 months Tom?  <j/k!>

       ~Steve~   ;)

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Winvote images ready
Date: 10 May 2002 12:19:15
Message: <3cdbf303$1@news.povray.org>
"25ct" <25c### [at] lineonenet> wrote in message news:3cd9adf5@news.povray.org...
> "Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> > Bob Franke is away this month, and so I'm filling in for him. So, without
> > further ado....
> That man Bob Franke seems like a thoroughly decent chap to me.
>  A month away on holiday won't be enough for him, IMO.
>    Can you do 2 months Tom?  <j/k!>

Well, he's gone to Italy. More than a month amongst that architecture and your
average POV user starts feeling inadequate and questioning the point of it ever
trying to RT again.....

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From: 25ct
Subject: Re: Winvote images ready
Date: 10 May 2002 17:58:42
Message: <3cdc4292@news.povray.org>
"Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> "25ct" <25c### [at] lineonenet> wrote in message news:3cd9adf5@news.povray.org...

> >    Can you do 2 months Tom?  <j/k!>
> >
> Well, he's gone to Italy. More than a month amongst that architecture and your
> average POV user starts feeling inadequate and questioning the point of it ever
> trying to RT again.....

  Heh.. Well I haven't been there, but I've seen more than enough pictures. I get
your point, and you're right...

   And you're doing a fine job Tom... Bob can rest easy...




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