I was thinking of what the next rounds topic should be and I entered in a
"medieval" as the main topic (I know that alot can fall under this topic).
The question that I have is what do you feel should be the next topic? and
why? Remember this is an opinion question and you dont have to answer if
you dont want.
I didn't have an opinion. So I looked through the old topics.
There are may places Lab, School, fortress.
So now how about:
HOME: a place where you can rest and be safe.
Have Fun!
I would like to see a "techie" type round. It would be interesting to see
the scientific type creations of some of the big brains around here. As I
stated in a recent post here, I like topics which already have strong
imagery associated with them but which also allow for a lot of creativity.
The stills topics to which I gave an excellent rating were Classic Sci-fi,
Religion, and Baroque.
Jason <JSc### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message news:3cc4ca57@news.povray.org...