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From: Tom Melly
Subject: IRTC results
Date: 18 Mar 2002 14:53:47
Message: <3c9645cb@news.povray.org>
Any idea when the results are due? Yes, I know, "when they're ready". It's
just I can't resist signing on every 30 minutes to check....

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From: Tim Nikias
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 18 Mar 2002 15:13:28
Message: <3C964A60.203AE79@gmx.de>
Hey, next time, use a different title for your post.
Got me really excited...

But I agree, sometimes, I'd wish there'd be something
like a message screen at the webpage, where you'd
be able to see how many actual voters have already
finished voting, and how much are yet to come.

That'd give at least a little clue on how long it might

Tom Melly wrote very cleverly:

> Any idea when the results are due? Yes, I know, "when they're ready". It's
> just I can't resist signing on every 30 minutes to check....

Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 18 Mar 2002 16:31:07
Message: <3C965CA0.7060208@aol.com>
You are understandably eager, your entry this time was a superb piece of 

Tom Melly wrote:

> Any idea when the results are due? Yes, I know, "when they're ready". It's
> just I can't resist signing on every 30 minutes to check....

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From: Ben Chambers
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 18 Mar 2002 16:40:04
Message: <3c965eb4@news.povray.org>
"Tim Nikias" <tim### [at] gmxde> wrote in message
news:3C9### [at] gmxde...
> But I agree, sometimes, I'd wish there'd be something
> like a message screen at the webpage, where you'd
> be able to see how many actual voters have already
> finished voting, and how much are yet to come.
> That'd give at least a little clue on how long it might
> take.

Not really... many entrants don't vote, so it would still be a surprise :)


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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 18 Mar 2002 16:47:40
Message: <3c96607c@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
news:3C9### [at] aolcom...
> You are understandably eager, your entry this time was a superb piece of
> work!

Cor. Thanks. I'm hoping to make the top 10 - my most optomistic estimate has
me placed sixth with no awards.

My favourite to win (and, while one vote is not exactly a spoiler, I hope
I'm not breaking any etiquette) is Stephen Farrell's entry.

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From: Shay
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 20 Mar 2002 09:31:26
Message: <3c989d3e$1@news.povray.org>
Tom Melly <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> Any idea when the results are due? Yes, I know, "when they're ready". It's
> just I can't resist signing on every 30 minutes to check....

I am doing the same thing and didn't even enter the contest. This contest is
interesting to me because there is no clear winner in my mind and because
the topic was interesting. I think that Winter is a pretty uninspiring topic
(possibly because I live in Texas where we don't really have one,) but we'll
see the contestants come up with.


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From: Txemi Jendrix
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 20 Mar 2002 13:10:33
Message: <3c98d099@news.povray.org>

> Any idea when the results are due? Yes, I know, "when they're ready". It's
> just I can't resist signing on every 30 minutes to check....

So do I.
What still surprise me is the fact that each round the results are promised
to be available the 15th and always are five or six days later. I think it
would be less stressing if they'd say that the results will be available on
20th (or 21st or 22nd...)

But, as the Talking Heads sang "I'm still waiting (a ha ha), still

P.S.: Great image Tom, one of my favourites to win.


Txemi Jendrix
tji### [at] euskalnetnet

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 21 Mar 2002 06:31:08
Message: <3c99c47c$1@news.povray.org>
"Txemi Jendrix" <tji### [at] euskalnetnet> wrote in message

> P.S.: Great image Tom, one of my favourites to win.

Aargh - now you've got me all hopefull

"It's not the despair, I can cope with the despair - it's the hope".

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From: Shay
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 21 Mar 2002 10:12:40
Message: <3c99f868@news.povray.org>
Shay <sah### [at] simcopartscom> wrote in message
> Tom Melly <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> news:3c9645cb@news.povray.org...
> > Any idea when the results are due? Yes, I know, "when they're ready".
> > just I can't resist signing on every 30 minutes to check....
> I am doing the same thing and didn't even enter the contest.

Arghh! I'm doing it again today. This must be really tough on the entrants.


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From: John Robinson
Subject: Re: IRTC results
Date: 21 Mar 2002 12:26:23
Message: <3c9a17bf$1@news.povray.org>
"Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> "Txemi Jendrix" <tji### [at] euskalnetnet> wrote in message
> news:3c98d099@news.povray.org...
> > P.S.: Great image Tom, one of my favourites to win.
> >
> Aargh - now you've got me all hopefull
> "It's not the despair, I can cope with the despair - it's the hope".
> Ah but patience is a virtue..........

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