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  Winvote feature requests (Message 1 to 10 of 13)  
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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Winvote feature requests
Date: 15 Mar 2002 07:41:49
Message: <3c91ec0d@news.povray.org>
Hmm, is this the best place to post this?

It might be a while before a new version of winvote is available, but I thought
I'd put in my 2c worth of feature requests.

1. alt-n and alt-p when viewing images full screen for next and previous image
2. Ability to switch between full-screen and main window using alt-tab
3. Some indication, in full-screen mode, as to whether the image has been scaled
down to fit - this would allow users to know whether they should take a look at
the image in normal view mode for finer detail etc.
4. Integration with IRTC CDs, so that old competitions could be browsed using
winvote easily
4b. It would be nice to be able to define multiple base directories, so that
winvote could be used to browse several competition directories.

One way to do this might be to have a variable $BASE, so that rather than define
the exact path to the images/thumbs/workdir, you would just define them as
$BASE/images, $BASE/thumbs, etc..

Then, $BASE could be defined as, for example C:/irtc/worship or

If one could then store these different $BASE settings for easy switching I
would be a happy man...

The general trend here is that it would be nice to be able to use winvote as a
general irtc comp browser, rather than just as a voting tool. For example, it
would be nice if, with old competitions, it could work with the final tallied
vote and allow sorting based on that vote.

#macro G(D,E,F)#local I=array[3]{D,E,F}#local B=0;triangle{#while(
B<3)#while(I[B])A[mod(I[B],10)]+#local I[B]=div(I[B],10);#end<-5,-
2,9>#local B=B+1;#end}#end #local A=array[7]{x,x*2,x*4,y,y*2,y*4,z
146)G(105,1256,246)G(1256,126,220)G(22156,2216,201)pigment{rgb 1}}//TM

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From: Ron Parker
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 15 Mar 2002 10:44:06
Message: <slrna945m7.lak.ron.parker@fwi.com>
On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:41:48 -0000, Tom Melly wrote:
> 2. Ability to switch between full-screen and main window using alt-tab

alt-tab is used by the OS to switch applications.  I don't even think you're
allowed to hook it.

plane{-z,-3normal{crackle scale.2#local a=5;#while(a)warp{repeat x flip x}rotate
z*60#local a=a-1;#end translate-9*x}pigment{rgb 1}}light_source{-9red 1rotate 60
*z}light_source{-9rgb y rotate-z*60}light_source{9-z*18rgb z}text{ttf"arial.ttf"
"RP".01,0translate-<.6,.4,.02>pigment{bozo}}light_source{-z*3rgb-.2}//Ron Parker

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 15 Mar 2002 11:10:31
Message: <3c921cf7$1@news.povray.org>
"Ron Parker" <ron### [at] povrayorg> wrote in message
news:slr### [at] fwicom...
> On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:41:48 -0000, Tom Melly wrote:
> > 2. Ability to switch between full-screen and main window using alt-tab
> alt-tab is used by the OS to switch applications.  I don't even think you're
> allowed to hook it.

Well, I guess I meant "can the main winvote window and the full-screen viewing
window be treated as separate apps?"

If not, any other quick key combo would do...

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 15 Mar 2002 11:12:53
Message: <3c921d85$1@news.povray.org>
"Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> Well, I guess I meant "can the main winvote window and the full-screen viewing
> window be treated as separate apps?"

... in other words, like the image window and the editor window in Win-Pov.

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From: Bob Franke
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 16 Mar 2002 02:28:19
Message: <3C92F427.71639928@hotmail.com>
Tom Melly wrote:

> Hmm, is this the best place to post this?

Works for me.
When I get back from vacation, in May, I guess I will have to get off my dead a**
and do some work on WinVote.  Tom has mentioned a couple of improvements that I have
already been considering.

The more ideas, the better

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From: Francois Labreque
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 16 Mar 2002 10:56:08
Message: <3C936AAE.4030106@videotron.ca>
Tom Melly wrote:

> "Ron Parker" <ron### [at] povrayorg> wrote in message
> news:slr### [at] fwicom...
>>On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:41:48 -0000, Tom Melly wrote:
>>>2. Ability to switch between full-screen and main window using alt-tab
>>alt-tab is used by the OS to switch applications.  I don't even think you're
>>allowed to hook it.
> Well, I guess I meant "can the main winvote window and the full-screen viewing
> window be treated as separate apps?"
> If not, any other quick key combo would do...

Usually, in a program that uses multiple windows, CTRL-TAB will allow 
you to switch between windows.  Some of the newer keyboards even have 
extra keys that do just that (for the lasy newbies, I guess!).  I don't 
know if Winvote uses that feature, but it would certainly come in handy.


/*Francois Labreque*/#local a=x+y;#local b=x+a;#local c=a+b;#macro P(F//
/*    flabreque    */L)polygon{5,F,F+z,L+z,L,F pigment{rgb 9}}#end union
/*        @        */{P(0,a)P(a,b)P(b,c)P(2*a,2*b)P(2*b,b+c)P(b+c,<2,3>)
/*   videotron.ca  */}camera{location<6,1.25,-6>look_at a orthographic}

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 16 Mar 2002 17:01:21
Message: <3c93c0b1$1@news.povray.org>
"Francois Labreque" <fla### [at] videotronca> wrote in message
news:3C9### [at] videotronca...
> Usually, in a program that uses multiple windows, CTRL-TAB will allow
> you to switch between windows.  Some of the newer keyboards even have
> extra keys that do just that (for the lasy newbies, I guess!).  I don't
> know if Winvote uses that feature, but it would certainly come in handy.

Not with winvote - actually, after going through the help, I've found that
all the keyboard shortcuts do exist. PgUp and PgDn for next and previous,
and Home for toggling between main window and full screen (the one exception
to this is if you edit a comment, Home won't take you back to full screen).

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From: Bob Franke
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 16 Mar 2002 19:18:42
Message: <3C93E0F7.C8C55DCB@hotmail.com>
Tom Melly wrote:

> 1. alt-n and alt-p when viewing images full screen for next and previous image
> 2. Ability to switch between full-screen and main window using alt-tab

Actually items 1 & 2 were addressed with
version 1.81 on Mar. 5th 2000.  Bill Marrs
asked for some navigation features designed
for "mouse impaired" laptop users.

Keyboard Commands for
"Full Size View Window" and
"Full Screen View"
PageUp   Displays the previous image.
PageDown Displays the next image.
Home     Displays the Main Window,
           press again to hide the window.
F1       Displays help.
F5       Activate PopUp Voting, press
           again to hide the PopUp voting window.

Does this float your boat for these two items?

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 17 Mar 2002 15:10:45
Message: <3c94f845$1@news.povray.org>
"Bob Franke" <bob### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message

> Does this float your boat for these two items?
> Bob

Sure does - sorry I missed them. As mentioned in another post, the "Home"
key doesn't work after you edit a comment, but that's a very minor quibble.

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From: Bob Franke
Subject: Re: Winvote feature requests
Date: 17 Mar 2002 16:07:42
Message: <3C9505B4.C906409D@hotmail.com>
Tom Melly wrote:

> "Bob Franke" <bob### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> news:3C93E0F7.C8C55DCB@hotmail.com...
> <snip>
> >
> > Does this float your boat for these two items?
> > Bob
> >
> Sure does - sorry I missed them. As mentioned in another post, the "Home"
> key doesn't work after you edit a comment, but that's a very minor quibble.

The "home" key doesn't work only when the voter's comment box has the focus,
hit "tab" first then "home".
Maybe I should use one of the function keys, but I like using keys that are
grouped together.

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