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From: Ben Chambers
Subject: music
Date: 27 Jan 2001 16:29:31
Message: <3A733DD6.EDF50C73@hotmail.com>
What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?
Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
from your creativity?

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From: J Charter
Subject: Re: music
Date: 27 Jan 2001 17:29:34
Message: <3A734D29.6D21F749@aol.com>
The sirens and cab horns of  New York streets with maybe a Rangers game on
the tube.

Ben Chambers wrote:

> What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?
> Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
> Opera"
> Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
> from your creativity?
> ...Chambers

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From: Lance Birch
Subject: Re: music
Date: 27 Jan 2001 22:51:35
Message: <3a739747@news.povray.org>
Ben Chambers wrote:
> What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?
> Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
> Opera"

I listen to all kinds of stuff so it's hard to put a mark on exactly what I
listen to.  Usually it's music with a lot of energy and patterns in it.
Lately I've been listening to lots of house selectronica sort of music while

> Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
> from your creativity?

Detract:  Music that doesn't change much, pop "jumpy" kinda music.
Enhance:  Electronica, but I think that's because I have a personal like of
it to start off with, I don't think it would for everyone...

There was a study done in to a similar thing a while back, about how certain
types of music changed the way people studied/worked.  It was found that
when people listen to music that they like while studying they have a better
capacity to remember things, and also in another test they found that
classical scores increased brain activity.

I remember once in my english class, we had this really excellent teacher
who would come up with all these interesting things for us to ponder over,
and one time in an essay exam, he played classical music in the background,
LOL.  Interestingly enough I got a really good mark on that exam, so maybe
it does help ;)



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From: Ken
Subject: Re: music
Date: 27 Jan 2001 23:18:19
Message: <3A739E0A.8434072A@pacbell.net>
Ben Chambers wrote:
> What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?
> Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
> Opera"
> Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
> from your creativity?
> ...Chambers

I usually have the TV on in the background. I do best with movies
playing that I have seen before but can follow without paying too
much attention to.

I have observed no difference in my artistic creativity where music
or background entertainment is concerned. When I am reading or
scene designing the room could be on fire and it would take me
a few minutes before I would even notice it.

Ken Tyler - 1400+ POV-Ray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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From: Francois Labreque
Subject: Re: music
Date: 27 Jan 2001 23:42:27
Message: <3A73A2AB.A9849667@videotron.ca>
Ben Chambers wrote:
> What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?

Well, since I always have music on...

> Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
> Opera"
> Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
> from your creativity?

Usually I go for instrumental/ambient music as anything with lyrics
could potentially distract me.  However, for my IRTC entry of the
previous round, the inspiration did come from a song.

Francois Labreque | Make you a deal, I'll show you mine if you show 
    flabreque     | me yours.
        @         | 
   videotron.ca   |   - Pandora.

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From: Mark Wagner
Subject: Re: music
Date: 29 Jan 2001 00:47:19
Message: <3a7503e7$1@news.povray.org>
Ben Chambers wrote in message <3A733DD6.EDF50C73@hotmail.com>...
>What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?

I usually listen to whatever is on the classical music station on the radio.


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From: Ben Chambers
Subject: Re: music
Date: 29 Jan 2001 20:58:29
Message: <3A761FDF.3CB6649@hotmail.com>
Ken wrote:

> I have observed no difference in my artistic creativity where music
> or background entertainment is concerned. When I am reading or
> scene designing the room could be on fire and it would take me
> a few minutes before I would even notice it.

Now HERE is a person with their priorities straight! =)

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From: Ben Paschke
Subject: Re: music
Date: 29 Jan 2001 22:59:20
Message: <3A763C7C.6D015DBA@rsp.com.au>
When i'm trying to work problems out, or doing some serious scripting, i
find it really hard if there is music on with vocals. So ususally i listen
to some ambience (some aphex twin is always good) or even something a bit
louder, like Secret Chiefs.
But when it comes to drawing or noodling with scenes or straight out
creation, i love anything. Of course it's always good to find something
thematic, tho.

For some reason there seems to be a fitting parallell between scripting 3d
graphics and sophisticated electronic music.

Ben Chambers wrote:

> What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?
> Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
> Opera"
> Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
> from your creativity?
> ...Chambers

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From: Tom Melly
Subject: Re: music
Date: 30 Jan 2001 04:36:30
Message: <3a768b1e@news.povray.org>
ambient and avoid lyrics

"Ben Chambers" <bdc### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?
> Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
> Opera"
> Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
> from your creativity?
> ...Chambers

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From: Josh English
Subject: Re: music
Date: 30 Jan 2001 08:49:56
Message: <3A76C685.D73604E7@spiritone.com>
As always, I listen to the Bobs and sing along. Luckily, I have four or
five parts to choose from ; ) The Bobs are an alternative a capella group
that started about 20 years ago and they just keep getting stranger.


Ben Chambers wrote:

> What music does everyone listen to while designing your scenes?
> Personally, I go back and forth between big band and "Phantom of the
> Opera"
> Has anyone noticed if certain types of music tend to enhance / detract
> from your creativity?
> ...Chambers

Josh English -- Lexiphanic Lethomaniac
eng### [at] spiritonecom
The POV-Ray Cyclopedia http://www.spiritone.com/~english/cyclopedia/

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