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  Matt's entry (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Tom Melly
Subject: Matt's entry
Date: 16 Jan 2001 04:56:00
Message: <3a641ab0@news.povray.org>
Well, having done my voting on winvote over the w.e. I got to view Matt's
entry again.

To be honest, I think it's a shame it wasn't in the comp. - it was such a
bizarre absurd lunatic image. The Swastika-menorah on it's own was worth the

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From: Francois Labreque
Subject: Re: Matt's entry
Date: 16 Jan 2001 07:50:45
Message: <3A644321.F2DDC4E4@videotron.ca>
Tom Melly wrote:
> Well, having done my voting on winvote over the w.e. I got to view Matt's
> entry again.
> To be honest, I think it's a shame it wasn't in the comp. - it was such a
> bizarre absurd lunatic image. The Swastika-menorah on it's own was worth the
> entry-price.

I don't know.  While, at first look, it's got a lot of contrast:
Hitler/Israel, Isreal/Palestine, but on closer inspection you realize
that the constrasts are blurred: Hitler in a Star-of-David frame, A
swastika on the Menorah, etc... and if you happen to read the text file
he goes at great lengths to explain why there aren't any differences
between the actions of the Israeli government and the Nazis, therefore
NO contrast, therefore very little topicality.

From a the technical stand-point, it isn't a masterpiece either,  I did
give him a few points from trying to deform Adolf's picture to make him
look more menacing, though.

Same goes for artistic merit.  He could have made his point a lot more
poignant by, e.g., putting a palestinian kid throwing rocks at an armed
Israeli soldier, or by showing the slums of Gaza and the cosy parts of
Jerusalem, or...

Without even going in the details of whether this image is offensive of
not, it is, IMHO, not worthy of any mention.  And at the risk of
rekindling a debate, I think it would have been better to let it slide
into oblivion on its own.

Francois Labreque | Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a snooze
    flabreque     | button on a cat who wants breakfast.
        @         |      - Unattributed quote from rec.humor.funny

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