POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Just out of curiousity... Server Time
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  Just out of curiousity... (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Tom Melly
Subject: Just out of curiousity...
Date: 4 Jan 2001 08:14:55
Message: <3a54774f$1@news.povray.org>
One of the entrants is called John Thomas - is this slang for a penis in the
US? (it is in the UK - gawd knows why).

Do you think someone should tell him?

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: Just out of curiousity...
Date: 4 Jan 2001 08:54:08
Message: <3A5480A1.FAEB4969@pacbell.net>
Tom Melly wrote:
> One of the entrants is called John Thomas - is this slang for a penis in the
> US? (it is in the UK - gawd knows why).

Not in the US.
> Do you think someone should tell him?

I see no purpose in doing so.

Ken Tyler

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From: Fabien Mosen
Subject: Re: Just out of curiousity...
Date: 4 Jan 2001 12:17:52
Message: <3A54B00B.8A0AC89D@skynet.be>
Tom Melly wrote:
> One of the entrants is called John Thomas - is this slang for a penis in the
> US? (it is in the UK - gawd knows why).
> Do you think someone should tell him?

Well, you know, there's plenty of people named Peter, or Dick,
and even a singer named "Cock Robin", so...


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