POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : TC-RTC... 5 & Counting! : Re: TC-RTC... 5 & Counting! Server Time
3 Nov 2024 05:11:12 EST (-0500)
  Re: TC-RTC... 5 & Counting!  
From: St 
Date: 12 Feb 2008 12:08:21
Message: <47b1d285$1@news.povray.org>
"Mike the Elder" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message 
> With Mr. Tracy's "Systema Metropolis: In the Wild" and my humble 
> contribution,
> "Homesteaders", we're up to five entries with four days left to go.

        7 now!  :)

I'm really
> hoping that several of those who were interested enough to take part in 
> the
> recent discussion will also submit an entry.  Regardless of which features 
> of
> the competition we would like to keep "as is" and which we might like to 
> see
> modified,

    Working on this, should have some news soon.

the first step in building up the competition is to participate.  I
> surprised myself at least as much as anyone else by finishing an entry on 
> time.
> If someone as disorganized as myself can do it, ANYONE can. ;-)

     Bingo. And if you think you're disorganised, you should see my desktop. 


> Entries can be viewed here:
> http://www.tc-rtc.co.uk/display/index.html
> Best Regards,
> Mike C.

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