The coding for the changes to the voting process is almost finished.
There's still some testing to do to make sure everything works well. It
will be another day or two before we can open the round up for voting.
Changes include:
- You now get a summary screen showing all submissions and your votes
for them
- When you click on an image in the voting window, a lightbox opens
on the image. This means you don't lose your comments.
- The star rater works without erasing the comments
- The scale has been changed to 0-20 instead of 0-10
- You vote on a 0-20 scale for overall, technical, artistic and
conceptual merit. No more nomination check boxes.
- There is now a "Save Vote" button in case you don't want to vote on
any other entries
- The previous and next buttons now say "Save and Previous" and "Save
and Next" to make it clear that these save the votes as well.
- The persistence of the voting process was improved to eliminate the
missing votes and mis-assigned votes that we had last time.
Thanks for your patience. We'll have everything up shortly. I'd also
like to thank Frank Sukhu for his excellent work in getting this code
ready for release.
David Buck
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