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From: John Coppens
Subject: Suggestion for the page
Date: 11 Sep 2009 14:15:51
Message: <20090911151550.3a0806ff.john@johncoppens.com>
Hi all,

May I suggest putting the text to the left of the images in the
Viewing gallery?

That way, strange effects such as Clipka's wide picture won't push the
texts of others away.


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From: John Coppens
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 11 Sep 2009 14:24:14
Message: <20090911152413.adc736a8.john@johncoppens.com>
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 15:15:50 -0300
John Coppens <joh### [at] johncoppenscom> wrote:

> That way, strange effects such as Clipka's wide picture won't push the
> texts of others away.

Sorry for the confusion, Clipka (but it proves my point). It was Tekno
Frannansa's image that threw me off.


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 11 Sep 2009 14:30:02
Message: <4aaa972a$1@news.povray.org>
John Coppens schrieb:
> Hi all,
> May I suggest putting the text to the left of the images in the
> Viewing gallery?
> That way, strange effects such as Clipka's wide picture won't push the
> texts of others away.

That's not mine, but Tek's :-)

Which actually makes your point (at least in general): The alignment of 
the images and text is indeed sub-optimal.

However, I suggest to change your suggestion a bit, by suggesting that 

(a) the text is kept to the right of the images, but the images are 
right-aligned, or

(b) text and images are swapped (as you propose), *and* the text is 

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From: Trevor G Quayle
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 11 Sep 2009 14:50:01
Message: <web.4aaa9ab22ed6a9f181c811d20@news.povray.org>
John Coppens <joh### [at] johncoppenscom> wrote:
> Hi all,
> May I suggest putting the text to the left of the images in the
> Viewing gallery?
> That way, strange effects such as Clipka's wide picture won't push the
> texts of others away.
> John

Perhaps also when displaying the thumbnails, they are shrinked by size based on
both height or width, whichever would govern rather than just height.


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From: Tek
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 11 Sep 2009 19:55:43
Message: <4aaae37f$1@news.povray.org>
"Trevor G Quayle" <Tin### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
> Perhaps also when displaying the thumbnails, they are shrinked by size 
> based on
> both height or width, whichever would govern rather than just height.

That would make more sense to me. I was surprised to see how big my image 
appeared compared to the others!


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From: David Buck
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 11 Sep 2009 21:57:07
Message: <4aaafff3$1@news.povray.org>
Tek wrote:
> "Trevor G Quayle" <Tin### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
> news:web.4aaa9ab22ed6a9f181c811d20@news.povray.org...
>> Perhaps also when displaying the thumbnails, they are shrinked by size 
>> based on
>> both height or width, whichever would govern rather than just height.
> That would make more sense to me. I was surprised to see how big my image 
> appeared compared to the others!

I'll try changing to text on the left, right justified.

BTW, do you like the lightbox effect for viewing the images and the 
voting summary screen?

David Buck

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 12 Sep 2009 03:44:13
Message: <4aab514d@news.povray.org>
David Buck schrieb:
> BTW, do you like the lightbox effect for viewing the images and the 
> voting summary screen?

Lightbox effect is good. It appears a bit "off" from the style of the 
site, but I guess that will improve over time.

As for the voting summary, I don't think it helps much, with the scores 
all given as numbers and without being sorted by score. small 
"bargraphs" would do nicely I guess, as would sorting according to 
overall score (or, better yet, also allowing to alternatively sort by 
technical, artistic or concept).

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 12 Sep 2009 07:12:30
Message: <4aab821e$1@news.povray.org>
David Buck wrote:
> Tek wrote:
>> "Trevor G Quayle" <Tin### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
>> news:web.4aaa9ab22ed6a9f181c811d20@news.povray.org...
>>> Perhaps also when displaying the thumbnails, they are shrinked by 
>>> size based on
>>> both height or width, whichever would govern rather than just height.
>> That would make more sense to me. I was surprised to see how big my 
>> image appeared compared to the others!
> I'll try changing to text on the left, right justified.
> BTW, do you like the lightbox effect for viewing the images and the 
> voting summary screen?
> David Buck

The voting summary is a big help. In fact I think that understates it, 
it is a crucial addition.  The flow would be better though if you could 
go back to the summary directly from the voting pane.

Currently the flow is like this:
Review grades in the summary screen.  Decide to add or adjust a vote for 
a particular entry.  Click on that entry. Update and Save the vote. Then 
click on 'current rounds' tab, then on 'Vote' link to get back to 
summary screen.
Review the grades...and so on.

It is fine for a round with just a dozen or two entries, but for more 
entries it would be awkward.


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From: Tek
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 12 Sep 2009 07:51:53
Message: <4aab8b59$1@news.povray.org>
"David Buck" <dav### [at] simberoncom> wrote in message 
> BTW, do you like the lightbox effect for viewing the images and the voting 
> summary screen?

I'm not a fan of lightboxes, I prefer a direct link to the image so I can 
open it in a new tab or download it with 1 click.

The voting summary screen was good, but like clipka said I would like a view 
sorted by score. In the old IRTC I'd always do a final pass over the images 
to ensure my scores were consistent by looking at the sorted list of images 
saying to myself "do I think this one is better than that one?".


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From: "Jérôme M. Berger"
Subject: Re: Suggestion for the page
Date: 12 Sep 2009 15:34:54
Message: <4aabf7de@news.povray.org>
David Buck wrote:
> Tek wrote:
>> "Trevor G Quayle" <Tin### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
>> news:web.4aaa9ab22ed6a9f181c811d20@news.povray.org...
>>> Perhaps also when displaying the thumbnails, they are shrinked by 
>>> size based on
>>> both height or width, whichever would govern rather than just height.

>> That would make more sense to me. I was surprised to see how big my 
>> image appeared compared to the others!
> I'll try changing to text on the left, right justified.
> BTW, do you like the lightbox effect for viewing the images and the 
> voting summary screen?
	I *hate* the lightbox effect. The main reason is: when an image is 
too big to fit on my screen (meaning *all* but four of the images in 
the current round if I don't put Firefox in fullscreen mode!) then I 
can't have a global view of the image. If it was a simple link to 
the image, FF would automatically zoom out to allow me to view the 
entire image and allow me to zoom in when I want to look at the 
details. Lightbox was invented by someone who forgot that not 
everyone has 30 inches 3000x2000 monitors!

  - If I want to download an image to use as a wallpaper, how do I 
do it?
  - It's slow;
  - It increases the load on the server and the network (the full 
resolution image is downloaded even if I don't want to see it);

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