POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : CG book by "Beijing Zito Books Co" -- what's this? : CG book by "Beijing Zito Books Co" -- what's this? Server Time
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  CG book by "Beijing Zito Books Co" -- what's this?  
From: ziotom
Date: 10 Jan 2004 05:45:02
Message: <web.3fffd7463b35bd0fa9247a30@news.povray.org>
Hello to everybody.

I have received an e-mail by "Beijing Zito Books Co", a chinese publishing
company (their name was unknown to me, but they have a web site at
http://www.readroad.com -- unfortunately almost everything is written in
chinese!).  They say they are planning to publish a CG book and want to put
some images of mine in it, asking me to use them without charge nor

Since the only CG images I created were submitted to IRTC, I think they
contacted somebody else which joined this competition (maybe all the
participants?).  Is it so?  And if it is, what do you think about?


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