POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : tc-rtc problems? : Re: tc-rtc problems? Server Time
10 Feb 2025 17:50:28 EST (-0500)
  Re: tc-rtc problems?  
From: Stephen
Date: 5 Mar 2014 16:32:41
Message: <531797f9$1@news.povray.org>
On 05/03/2014 8:35 PM, Le_Forgeron wrote:
> It seems the site is alive, but brain-dead for members:
> * it remembers that I have made one submission (that's a good point, and
> the picture is still there)
> * but there is no entries for which to vote in Rating Area
> "You have voted for all of the 0 entries (your votes will be counted)"...
> before the 1st March, there was at least 6 entries. And I rated them
> (excepted mine, of course).

Sorry, maybe we should publish it more often. But until a bit of testing 
and fixing has been done. We are running the same Challenge back to back 
to get a longer time span.
So, if you upload your image in the first part of the Challenge then you 
will need to upload it again the next period.
When, if ever, we get the revamped site online. There will be two 
Challenges running concurrently with independent time frames. So we 
could run Long and short Challenges.
The developer has twice asked if he can release the code and I've twice 
said yes if he can fix the minor faults on a s/sheet I sent him.
I will try and phone him this weekend and get the ball rolling again.


I solemnly promise to kick the next angle, I see.

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