POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : IRTC site - round open for voting : Re: IRTC site - round open for voting Server Time
15 Oct 2024 15:28:50 EDT (-0400)
  Re: IRTC site - round open for voting  
From: David Buck
Date: 9 Nov 2009 19:45:46
Message: <4af8b7ba@news.povray.org>
clipka wrote:
> clipka schrieb:
>> Some other suggestions:
>> ...
> A way to get back from an individual voting page to the voting overview 
> thumbs would be pretty neat, too.

I'm going to try getting a version out that replaces the star rater with 
a simple drop-down box. Obviously the star rater is causing too much grief.

Sorry for the problems.  I'll do this as quickly as I can but I have to 
be careful that I don't break anything.

David Buck

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