POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : So last night the IRTC server would not respond? : Re: So last night the IRTC server would not respond? Server Time
5 Nov 2024 23:48:07 EST (-0500)
  Re: So last night the IRTC server would not respond?  
From: =Bob=
Date: 1 Nov 2004 15:29:12
Message: <41869c98@news.povray.org>
"Tim Nikias" <JUSTTHELOWERCASE:timISNOTnikias(at)gmx.netWARE> wrote in message
: As a sidenote: I can only second that the servers were down. This morning
: (8:00 till roughly 9:30, GMT+1 in Germany) the newsserver didn't respond. I
: was able to get a few of the headlines, but that's it, the server wouldn't
: respond and let me download any messages. =Bob=, I'd suggest entering it now
: anyway, and along with this post it might still get through. The IRTC-Admins
: are humans as well, after all. :-)

I appreciate your help Tim! I'm waiting for them to contact me. If
not, that's the way it goes. I'm not going to push it. It's not worth
making the IRTC-Admins upset.

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